Replacement of a 110 kV overhead line

Kraftwerk und Umspannwerk Werdohl-Elverlingsen © 2008 Dr. G. Schmitz

Kraftwerk und Umspannwerk Werdohl-Elverlingsen © 2008 Dr. G. Schmitz

Mark-E Aktiengesellschaft, a subsidiary of the ENERVIE Group, is planning to replace a 110 kV high-voltage overhead line, the so-called portal line, at the Werdohl-Elverlingsen power station and substation. Environmental construction supervision is required for this.

The line route crosses the FFH area and nature reserve "Schluchtwälder im Lennetal", which is spanned by the overhead line between the existing portals VI and VII. The old and new mast locations themselves are outside the protected area.

The aim of the environmental construction supervision is:

The construction execution in conformity with the permit
- Kötungsverbot of specially protected species (§ 44 BNatSchG)
- Damage ban Fortpflanzungs- und Ruhestätten bes. protected species
- additional disturbance prohibitions for strictly protected species

The consultation with unforeseen damage risks
- lanes, construction roads, strata water

The liability minimization of the builder
- Compliance with further requirement of the Environmental Damage Act
- Proof of compliance with all environmentally relevant requirements.

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Planning offices


Project period
2015 - 2016

ca. 46 ha

Mark-E Aktiengesellschaft

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