The third country Berlin

© 2020 Dahahm Choi, Dongryong Han Keum Art Projects

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© 2020 Dahahm Choi, Dongryong Han Keum Art Projects

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© 2020 Dahahm Choi, Dongryong Han Keum Art Projects

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© 2020 Dahahm Choi, Dongryong Han Keum Art Projects

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© 2020 Dahahm Choi, Dongryong Han Keum Art Projects

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© 2020 Dahahm Choi, Dongryong Han Keum Art Projects

© 2020 Dahahm Choi, Dongryong Han Keum Art Projects

© 2020 Dahahm Choi, Dongryong Han Keum Art Projects

© 2020 Dahahm Choi, Dongryong Han Keum Art Projects

© 2020 Dahahm Choi, Dongryong Han Keum Art Projects

The artist garden "The Third Country" by the two South Koreans Han Seok Hyun and Kim Seung Hwoe addresses the more than 70-year division of Korea. On the 30th anniversary of the fall of the Berlin Wall, the artists reflect on the current political situation in Korea in Berlin, the site of German division and reunification.

Near the former inner-German border, a surreal landscape was created on the Kulturforum under the motto "Growing Dreams. Blossoming Utopias" a surreal landscape fragment was created. On almost 30 x 15 meters, groups of dark basalt form a rugged topography. This is reminiscent of the Baekdu Daegan Mountains, which stretch across the entire Korean peninsula. Coupled with fine water mist and North and South Korean plants introduced from South Korea, the poetic image of a mountain landscape en miniature is created. With change of perspective and closer view the adaptation of the nationally important landscape representations of the Korean painter Jeong Seon (1676-1759) is unmistakable.

The advisory service of our office covered with the realization of "the third country" apart from the assistance with the official application also the professional assignment of orders to garden and landscape gardening companies. Furthermore, we assisted the artists in the professional implementation of their ideas and the preparation of site plans as well as in the supervision of construction and site visits.

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Planning offices


Other planning stakeholders
Han Seok Hyun, Kim Seung Hwoe

Project period
2019 - 2020

1.000 qm

Keum Art Projects

10785 Berlin

Project type
Project and process management
Control of construction processes, cost and schedule control