Planten un Blomen, Dag Hammarskjöld Square

Herbst in Hamburg (Schaufenster Botanischer Garten) © 2022 Hanns Joosten Hanns Joosten I POLA

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Vom ICE zum CCH durchs Grün. © 2022 Hanns Joosten

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Passerelle am Botanischen Garten. © 2022 Hanns Joosten Hanns Joosten I POLA

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Skaten und Blühen. © 2022 Hanns Joosten Hanns Joosten I POLA

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Einblicke © 2022 Hanns Joosten Hanns Joosten I POLA

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Schöne flirrende Gartenwelt. © 2022 Hanns Joosten Hanns Joosten I POLA

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Willkommen. © 2021 Hanns Joosten Hanns Joosten I POLA

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Schaufenster Planten un Blomen © 2022 Hanns Joosten Hanns Joosten I POLA

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Parkbalkon © 2022 Hanns Joosten Hanns Joosten I POLA

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Blütenpracht © 2022 Hanns Joosten Hanns Joosten I POLA

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© 2022 Hanns Joosten Hanns Joosten I POLA

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Entwurfsplan © 2018 POLA

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Herbst in Hamburg (Schaufenster Botanischer Garten) © 2022 Hanns Joosten Hanns Joosten I POLA

Vom ICE zum CCH durchs Grün. © 2022 Hanns Joosten

Passerelle am Botanischen Garten. © 2022 Hanns Joosten Hanns Joosten I POLA

Skaten und Blühen. © 2022 Hanns Joosten Hanns Joosten I POLA

Einblicke © 2022 Hanns Joosten Hanns Joosten I POLA

Schöne flirrende Gartenwelt. © 2022 Hanns Joosten Hanns Joosten I POLA

Willkommen. © 2021 Hanns Joosten Hanns Joosten I POLA

Schaufenster Planten un Blomen © 2022 Hanns Joosten Hanns Joosten I POLA

Parkbalkon © 2022 Hanns Joosten Hanns Joosten I POLA

Blütenpracht © 2022 Hanns Joosten Hanns Joosten I POLA

© 2022 Hanns Joosten Hanns Joosten I POLA

Entwurfsplan © 2018 POLA

As part of the revitalization of the Congress Center Hamburg (CCH), the adjacent "Planten un Blomen" park was extended and redesigned along with its surroundings. The redesigns and extensions are spread across numerous heterogeneous park edge areas around the botanical garden. POLA won the competition held in 2015 with its design, which was implemented in the years up to 2022.

Among other things, the four-lane Marseiller Straße, where part of the planted ramparts once stood, was dismantled and filled in between the "Planten un Blomen" and "Alter Botanischer Garten" areas, and the newly created green space was reintegrated into the park. The two areas are listed garden works of art, which the POLA design treated with sensitive restraint. Now, where the dark concrete trough of the four-lane Marseiller Strasse used to be and cut the park in two, there is a sequence of bright, inviting plantings and squares, including a park balcony with a view over the redesigned Dag Hammarskjöld Square.

During the redesign of the adjacent Dag-Hammarskjöld-Platz, the station forecourt of the former Dammtor Imperial Station and an important component of the redesign and expansion of Hamburg's most important inner-city park, the retaining wall opposite the station, which was up to six meters high, was removed to create a clear view of the Old Botanical Garden. Due to the elaborate changes to the square and park topography in terms of barrier-free pedestrian access to the park, the disruptive, non-barrier-free pedestrian bridge that once bridged the difference in height between the station entrance and the ramparts was removed. Where once the gray concrete sheet pile wall formed a physically and visually insurmountable obstacle between the station and the park, visitors to Hamburg can now reach the park directly and barrier-free via the station forecourt. The path leads from the station portal along an intensively planted display window, with staged views of the park, directly to the Botanical Garden.

Dag Hammarskjöld Square has thus been transformed from an unattractive rear side of the station into the new "antechamber" of Planten un Blomen. The various park extensions blend naturally and unpretentiously into the historic and listed park and counter the design diversity of the two listed park sections "... with a clever and restrained modesty. With a few simple gestures, the park sections are skillfully connected with the forecourts of the train station and the adjacent Congress Center." (Excerpt from the jury of the 2015 competition, 1st prize)

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Planning offices


Felix Bachmann (Projektleitung), Alena Baumann (stellv. Projektleitung), Olaf Staack (stellv. Projektleitung), Luisa Vogel (Planung), Madeline King (Planung), David Misselwitz (Planung), Arne Mickerts (Planung/Pflanzplanung), Aleksandra Baranova (Planung/ Pflanzplanung), Karen Ehlers (Bauleitung 1. BA), Thomas Büsch (Bauleitung 1./2. BA), Igor Roitburd (Bauleitung), Karen Brix ((Pflanzplanung), Roberta Serra (Wettbewerb)

Other planning stakeholders
Mark Krieger (Pflanzplanung), Ingrid Gock (Pflanzplanung, Bauleitung), Studio C (Tragwerksplanung), SBI Beratende Ingenieure für Bau-Verkehr-Vermessung GmbH (Verkehrsanlagen), WTM ENGINEERS GMBH, Grundbauingenieure Steinfeld und Partner Beratende Ingenieure mbB, AB – Dr. A. Berg GmbH (Schadstoffsanierung)

am Bau beteiligte Firmen:
Klaus Hildebrandt Garten- und Landschaftsbau GmbH, Wiese und Suhr Garten- und Landschaftsbau GmbH, Brauckmann & Damm GmbH & Co., Ernst Piper GmbH & Co. KG, Boomkwekerij Ebben B.V.

Project period
2015 - 2022

Construction amount
11,5 Mio. Euro

BBUKEA Behörde für Umwelt, Klima, Energie und Agrarwirtschaft, Hamburg, Bezirksamt Hamburg-Mitte

20354 Hamburg

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