Tutas, Frank FTLD Landscape Design

© Ft FT

Tutas, Frank

Melissenweg 1 
22395 Hamburg

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Contact information

(01 60) 1 09 71 32


The office FTLD was founded in 2012 by Frank Tutas in Hamburg.

FTLD creates designs and planning services, both for the
-upscale garden, as well as for
-schools and kindergartens,
-hospitals and facilities with special requirements

As well as for commercial builders:
-industrial facilities,
-training centers,
-object planning

In addition to the eye for detail, the exclusive use of plants and ecology, another design focus is the topic of inclusion and accessibility.
After training as a gardener and studying landscape architecture (BA and Dipoloma) in London Greenwich, Frank Tutas worked primarily in a leading role on international projects in the:
-commercial object planning,
-for schools and kindergartens,
-in residential, hotel and multipurpose construction,
-as well as on exclusive gardens and landscape parks
-swimming ponds and biopools.

Equipment and Capacities:
The office employs:
-a designer
-three freelance engineers and landscape architects
who bring their experience to each project, from design through detailed planning and construction management.

The office has 4 CAD workstations, and works with:
-CAD software such as ACAD/Vectorworks..,
-tendering software such as ASB Win,
-Microsoft Office and
-image editing programs such as Photoshop/Affinity.

FTLD is part of the A-quatekten network and thus specialized in natural bathing, natural swimming ponds.
We also work with Teichmeister Seminar and BIOTOP swimming ponds and RivieraPools together.