110 kV high voltage lines Renewal of 110 kV high-voltage lines in the network area of AVU and SEWAG

110 kV Hochspannungsleitungen © FROELICH & SPORBECK

110 kV Hochspannungsleitungen © FROELICH & SPORBECK

AVU and SEWAG are replacing a portion of their
110 kV overhead transmission line system due to steel embrittlement of poles. The replacement construction includes a total of 72
poles to be removed and 55 new poles to be erected. In a subsection a community linkage is planned.

The route crosses the urban areas of Dortmund, Witten, Herdecke, Wetter and Hagen on a total length of approx. 13.5 km. The planning affects a nature reserve and several landscape conservation areas as well as water protection and flood plains. The route also touches an FFH area.

The necessary environmental documentation is being prepared as part of the planning approval procedure. This includes a screening according to § 3c UVPG, a LBP including vegetation and fauna mapping, a FFH preliminary assessment, a species protection report and a document for exemption according to § 69 LG NW. Following the planning approval, the construction or renewal of the overhead line will be supervised by an ecological construction monitoring team.

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Planning offices


Project period
2008 - 2010

13,5 ha

Aktiengesellschaft für Versorgungsunternehmen und SEWAG Netze GmbH