Sports facility Sulzbachstraße


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Blick Richtung Basketballspielfeld © 2007 Joachim Schulze

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Boule-Platz © 2007 Joachim Schulze - freiraumplanung

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Entwurf © 2005

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Einstellen und Optimierung der Scheinwerfer © 2006 Joachim Schulze

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Basketballspielfeld © 2007 Joachim Schulze

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Versickerungsfläche © 2007 Joachim Schulze - freiraumplanung

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Spielplatz © 2007 Joachim Schulze - freiraumplanung

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Blick Richtung Basketballspielfeld © 2007 Joachim Schulze

Boule-Platz © 2007 Joachim Schulze - freiraumplanung

Entwurf © 2005

Einstellen und Optimierung der Scheinwerfer © 2006 Joachim Schulze

Basketballspielfeld © 2007 Joachim Schulze

Versickerungsfläche © 2007 Joachim Schulze - freiraumplanung

Spielplatz © 2007 Joachim Schulze - freiraumplanung


The project task was the refurbishment of the existing artificial turf pitch at the Sulzbachstraße sports facility in Gerresheim, including the conversion of the existing fighting track into a large playing field with an artificial turf surface.

To the west is a basketball court and on the eastern side of the court the club has constructed a small playing field from threshing floors. A long jump facility was added here.
On the northern side of the square, a 100-meter running track and a central boules court were planned. For the little ones, a children's playground could be realized northwest of the basketball court due to favorable tender results.
Drainage takes place via the side strips in slightly modeled infiltration troughs, which were arranged along the longitudinal sides of the square. The areas could be distributed and optimized in such a way that the entire sports facility could be disconnected from the sewer system and all water volumes that arise seep away on site.

The training lighting system was completely renewed due to its advanced age, so that lower-emission floodlights could be installed.

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Planning offices - freiraumplanung

Joachim Schulze
Carolin Jäger
Erik Steinhauer

Project period
2004 - 2007

10.000 m2

Construction amount
675.000,- €

Stadt Düsseldorf
Arenastraße 1


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Project type
Playgrounds, e.g. at childcare centers and schools
Sports facilities