Europaviertel Frankfurt am Main Conversion of the freight yard

Baumpflanzung © Markus Gnüchtel, Düsseldorf

1 / 4

Blick nach Osten © BSV, Aachen

2 / 4

Querschnitt Boulevard © BSV, Aachen

3 / 4

Lageplan © GTL, Kassel

4 / 4

Baumpflanzung © Markus Gnüchtel, Düsseldorf

Blick nach Osten © BSV, Aachen

Querschnitt Boulevard © BSV, Aachen

Lageplan © GTL, Kassel

The 60-metre-wide boulevard creates an urban space that is unprecedented in Frankfurt: the 18-metre-wide footpaths, modern surface coverings, multifunctional furnishings, a lighting design for the urban space and the varied planting under the double avenue create a forward-looking, spacious cityscape.

The open spaces of the UEC are subdivided into walkways in the center, the central piazza and the four public squares in front of the entrances. The piazza is the central location of the UEC. The various functions are linked together here: Transit and connecting space, place to stay, recreation and relaxation space. The piazza is also an "art space" that will unfold as an enriching image for viewers on the upper floors of the office towers.

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Planning offices

GTL Michael Triebswetter

RKW Architektur + Städtebau, Düsseldorf Jean Nouvel, Paris ABB Architekten, Frankfurt Sebastian Knorr architects, Los Angeles

Markus Gnüchtel
Jörg Albin
Irene Koerber

Project period
2002 - 2006

3,9 ha

Construction amount
6,7 Mio. €

Vivico-Management GmbH
Beethovenstraße 8-10
60594 Frankfurt

60327 Frankfurt am Main

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Project type
Squares, promenades, pedestrian areas
Traffic facilities
Urban, open space development concepts
Expert consultancy services