Columbia Twins Hamburg Neumühlen

Columbia Twins Hamburg Neumühlen © 2009 Meike Hansen ARCHIMAGE

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Columbia Twins Hamburg Neumühlen © 2009 Meike Hansen ARCHIMAGE

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Columbia Twins Hamburg Neumühlen © 2009 Meike Hansen ARCHIMAGE

Columbia Twins Hamburg Neumühlen © 2009 Meike Hansen ARCHIMAGE

The Columbia Twins are located directly on the Elbe between the large Elbstraße and Neumühlen.

The twin building thus closes the last gap in this location in a representative manner. The outdoor facilities include generous plazas that nestle around the buildings. Extensive staircases lead directly to the Elbe promenade and offer a view of the typical Hamburg harbour atmosphere. On elongated seating block steps within these open staircases, one can take a breather and observe the hustle and bustle of the harbor.

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Planning offices

BHF Bendfeldt Herrmann Franke Landschaftsarchitekten GmbH

Project period
2008 - 2009

4.300 qm

AUG. PRIEN Immobilien GmbH

Elbstraße 273
22767 Hamburg

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