CIVIC PARK DUSSLINGEN Design of the tunnel surface in the course of the expansion of the B27

Opening pitch under construction

Starting in the north, at the southern bicycle and footpath connection, the park opens up at a small square. Steps invite you to linger and offer an unobstructed view to the south.
The opening square is subordinate in its hierarchy and receives a surface of grass pavers and solid slabs in alternation.

Auftaktplatz im Bau © 2014 RWS

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Auftaktplatz im Bau © 2014 RWS

Playground under construction

Plant South under construction

Here the "ramble" ends, the open space runs out and offers space for a beer garden with a seating area. Three small niches invite to stay with a view in the direction of the nearby "Albgipfel".

Sitzstufenanlage © 2014 RWS

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Sitzstufenanlage © 2014 RWS

Middle field under construction

kleine Treppenanlage zum Norden des Parks © 2014 RWS

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kleine Treppenanlage zum Norden des Parks © 2014 RWS

Things are happening on the square

Foundations for the pavilion are set.
The lightweight pergola roof offers a weather-independent shelter for visitors, market stalls and performances at a future prominent location in Dußlingen.
The prelude of the pergola forms a mobile space module. It shapes the square corner at an important urban location. The use of the pavilion is variable and offers the necessary infrastructure facilities.

Mehrzweckplatz: Vorbereitungen für den Bau des Pavillons © 2014 RWS

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Der Pavillon bekommt ein Dach © 2014 RWS

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Mehrzweckplatz: Vorbereitungen für den Bau des Pavillons © 2014 RWS

Der Pavillon bekommt ein Dach © 2014 RWS

back to overview
  1. Opening pitch under construction
  2. Playground under construction
  3. Plant South under construction
  4. Middle field under construction
  5. Things are happening on the square