Wind turbine Dorsten Hedgenstraße Environmental impact assessment, landscape conservation plan, species protection report and faunistic mapping

Ergebnisse Brutvogelkartierung © Hahn Landschaftsplanung

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Landschaftsbildbewertung © Hahn Landschaftsplanung

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Vorhandene Windenergieanlagen © Hahn Landschaftsplanung

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Ergebnisse Brutvogelkartierung © Hahn Landschaftsplanung

Landschaftsbildbewertung © Hahn Landschaftsplanung

Vorhandene Windenergieanlagen © Hahn Landschaftsplanung

In Dorsten-Östrich, a further wind turbine is to be erected in the vicinity of existing wind turbines. The landscape and environmental planning contributions required for the approval procedure were prepared for this purpose.

Mapping of breeding and visiting birds as well as bats forms the basis for the species protection report. No "planning-relevant" breeding bird species or migratory species were found to be affected in the area of impact of the plant. Some bat species are at increased risk of collision with wind turbines. In order to avoid operationally induced killings or injuries of bats, the operating times are adapted to the specific site. On nights with predicted high bat activity at rotor height, the wind turbine is temporarily shut down.

In terms of impact, wind turbines primarily affect the landscape, as they have a far-reaching effect on the landscape. In contrast, the impact in terms of area is often very small. To determine the size of the compensation area, a radius of 10 km around the planned turbine site was considered. Based on a visual analysis with a geographic information system, the calculation was carried out according to the procedure "Impairment of the landscape due to mast-like interventions".

In order to compensate for the resulting impact on nature and the landscape, an orchard meadow with surrounding hedge will be created and permanently maintained.

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Planning offices

Ingolf Hahn - Landschafts- und Umweltplanung

Project period
2012 - 2013

WKA Östrich GbR

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