Playground Grabeland Redesign of a playground

Ansicht Harkenkletterstrecke © Marcus Witte

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Ansicht Raupenkopf mit Rutsche © Marcus Witte

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Ansicht Spielfeld © Marcus Witte

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Ansicht große Kletterraupe © Marcus Witte

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Ansicht Möhrenkraut © Marcus Witte

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Ansicht Möhrenbeet © Marcus Witte

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© Marcus Witte

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Ansicht Kleinkinderbereich © Marcus Witte

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© Marcus Witte

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Spielgerät Harken © Marcus Witte

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Entwurfsplan ©  Bresser

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Ansicht Harkenkletterstrecke © Marcus Witte

Ansicht Raupenkopf mit Rutsche © Marcus Witte

Ansicht Spielfeld © Marcus Witte

Ansicht große Kletterraupe © Marcus Witte

Ansicht Möhrenkraut © Marcus Witte

Ansicht Möhrenbeet © Marcus Witte

© Marcus Witte

Ansicht Kleinkinderbereich © Marcus Witte

© Marcus Witte

Spielgerät Harken © Marcus Witte

Entwurfsplan ©  Bresser

The design motto of the playground is derived from the allotment gardens in the extended neighbourhood. The theme of 'grey land' is transferred to the playground. The garden plots are reinterpreted into different play and action areas in geometric plot form.
The play area for older children is located in the northeast, the play area for smaller children in the southwest. A light grove of trees and a square-like widening with a central bench around an existing tree that characterizes the playground connect the two areas.
The design idea is reflected in the play and equipment elements: a large caterpillar that can be played on and climbed on from the inside winds through the plots. A variety of play and equipment elements are designed in the form of vegetables and garden tools.
Sports and ball games take place in the central communal plot on green EPDM surfacing. To the north, the EPDM surface continues as a molehill with ground trampolines.
The two accesses to the playground on Pirnaer Straße and Döbeliner Weg are supplemented by access via a staircase on Groß-Ziethener Chaussee.

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Planning offices

pro garten

Project period

Bezirksamt Neukölln von Berlin


12355 Berlin

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