Outdoor facilities Elefantensiedlung, Neu-Ulm

© Ver.de (3), NUWOG (1) Hinrichs (1)

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© Ver.de (3), NUWOG (1) Hinrichs (1)

© Ver.de (3), NUWOG (1) Hinrichs (1)

© Ver.de (3), NUWOG (1) Hinrichs (1)

© Ver.de (3), NUWOG (1) Hinrichs (1)

© Ver.de (3), NUWOG (1) Hinrichs (1)

© Ver.de (3), NUWOG (1) Hinrichs (1)

© Ver.de (3), NUWOG (1) Hinrichs (1)

Appreciation in the special award for living environmentGerman Landscape Architecture Award 2011

Jury verdict: A plain housing estate of the Federal Government from the 1950s in a less privileged location is taken over by the Neu-Ulmer Wohnungsbaugesellschaft and not demolished and rebuilt, but carefully redeveloped and sensitively upgraded. This alone is a great merit of the building owner.

The holistic redevelopment also includes the skillful and careful addition and redesign of the open spaces. Disturbing features - such as garages - are removed and valuable ones - such as the 60-year-old tree population - are preserved and cared for. With simple means, new protected spaces are created, identities of existing spaces are strengthened and the formation of addresses is supported. Here, landscape architecture discreetly and naturally places itself at the service of the common task and thus makes an important contribution to a successful work.

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Planning offices

ver.de landschaftsarchitektur
Jochen Rümpelein, Landschaftsarchitekt (Gewinner Gutachterverfahren)

Further planners involved
Prof. Arno S. Schmid + Manfred Rauh künstlerische Oberbauleitung: ver.de landschaftsarchitektur, Freising

am Bau Beteiligte:
Kutter GmbH & Co.KG., Memmingen, Schick Gartengestaltung, Bronnen

Project period
2005 - 2007

NUWOG Wohnungsgesellschaft der Stadt Neu-Ulm



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Prices & Awards
German Landscape Architecture Award 2011
Appreciation in the special award for living environment

Project type
Parks and green spaces
Squares, promenades, pedestrian areas
Playgrounds, e.g. at childcare centers and schools
Green concepts for residential, commercial and industrial areas
Ecological concepts for settlements and stormwater management