Town hall environment Schönau am Königsee Town centre Town hall surroundings and crossing of Untersteiner Straße

Übersicht © 2020 NRT

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Entwurf Rathausumfeld © NRT

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Bachlauf1 © 2020 NRT

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Kneippanlage © 2020 NRT

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Bachlauf © 2020 NRT

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Parkplatz © 2020 NRT

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Betonmauer Schriftzug Schönau © 2020 NRT

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Alpinum und Kenippbecken © 2020 NRT

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Übersicht © 2020 NRT

Entwurf Rathausumfeld © NRT

Bachlauf1 © 2020 NRT

Kneippanlage © 2020 NRT

Bachlauf © 2020 NRT

Parkplatz © 2020 NRT

Betonmauer Schriftzug Schönau © 2020 NRT

Alpinum und Kenippbecken © 2020 NRT

As part of the town hall renovation, the area between the kindergarten and Untersteiner Straße, including the crossing to the church, was redesigned. A multifunctional area covered with trees, a newly designed parking lot and a community park with alpine rock garden and stream with integrated Kneipp area were created.

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Planning offices

NRT shared office

Project period
2017 - 2021

Gemeinde Schönau am Königsee

Project type
Open spaces for business and public facilities