Büro Drecker

© 2015 Büro Drecker

Büro Drecker

Drecker, Dipl.-Ing., Peter Ferdinand

Bottroper Straße 6
46244 Bottrop

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Contact information

Tel. (02045)  95610
Fax (02045)  956124


A landscape is an open system with diverse structures. Our task is to read each landscape individually in order to recognize its essence. Because our conceptions follow the goal to bring the character of the landscape in harmony with the requirements of the environment.

For over 30 years, we have thus been developing independent solutions for each space in consultation with the users, our clients and nature. In the course of the project, we always take the time to rethink our approach, to change perspectives and to question the diverse requirements in terms of nature and landscape.
As a team of networked specialists, we always maintain an open dialogue with our clients.

Our aim is to develop responsible solutions that are economically, ecologically as well as socially sustainable and enhance the quality of life of all users. It is our respect for the landscape that leads us time and again to develop solutions whose quality speaks for itself.