Turnaround Redesign of the district park at Wendenplatz in Bochum-Stahlhausen

Der Hochbunker ist der Ankerpunkt zwischen Platz und Park. © 2011 Claudia Dreyße

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Lageplan: Der Wendenplatz mit dem Hochbunker und dem benachbarten Stadtteilpark © 2010 Planergruppe GmbH Oberhausen

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Blick von der Wattenscheider Straße. Rechts der Hochbunker. © 2011 Claudia Dreyße

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Detail: Die Bühne. © 2011 Claudia Dreyße

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Detail: Die Bühne. © 2011 Claudia Dreyße

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Klettern an der Bunkerwand © 2011 Claudia Dreyße

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Klettern an der Bunkerwand © 2011 Claudia Dreyße

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Kletterparkour © 2011 Claudia Dreyße

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Spielen – Sitzen – Klettern © 2011 Claudia Dreyße

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Trubel: Der neue Stadtteilpark wird eröffnet. Derweil gegenüber... © 2010 Thomas Dietrich Planergruppe GmbH Oberhausen

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...Ruhe: Der Mann schaut sich das an © 2010 Thomas Dietrich Planergruppe GmbH Oberhausen

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Sitzbänke aus Betonwerkstein © 2011 Claudia Dreyße

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Detail: Sitzgruppe © 2011 Claudia Dreyße

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Detail: Möblierung © 2011 Claudia Dreyße

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Der Hochbunker ist der Ankerpunkt zwischen Platz und Park. © 2011 Claudia Dreyße

Lageplan: Der Wendenplatz mit dem Hochbunker und dem benachbarten Stadtteilpark © 2010 Planergruppe GmbH Oberhausen

Blick von der Wattenscheider Straße. Rechts der Hochbunker. © 2011 Claudia Dreyße

Detail: Die Bühne. © 2011 Claudia Dreyße

Detail: Die Bühne. © 2011 Claudia Dreyße

Klettern an der Bunkerwand © 2011 Claudia Dreyße

Klettern an der Bunkerwand © 2011 Claudia Dreyße

Kletterparkour © 2011 Claudia Dreyße

Spielen – Sitzen – Klettern © 2011 Claudia Dreyße

Trubel: Der neue Stadtteilpark wird eröffnet. Derweil gegenüber... © 2010 Thomas Dietrich Planergruppe GmbH Oberhausen

...Ruhe: Der Mann schaut sich das an © 2010 Thomas Dietrich Planergruppe GmbH Oberhausen

Sitzbänke aus Betonwerkstein © 2011 Claudia Dreyße

Detail: Sitzgruppe © 2011 Claudia Dreyße

Detail: Möblierung © 2011 Claudia Dreyße

The design of the Wendenplatz is derived from the framework planning for Bochum's Westend. In it, we developed the idea of a square around the high bunker at the corner of Wattenscheider Straße and Gahlensche Straße. The Wendenplatz is to form a representative address by incorporating the traffic areas of the Jütenstraße in the connection area of the intersection and to include the existing neighbourhood park in the north.

First the park
In the first step, the park north of the high bunker was realized. According to ideas from the citizen participation, a multifunctional neighborhood park for residential recreation was created.
The pathways were restructured. Two main axes serve as fast routes from Jütenstrasse and Wendenstrasse to the tram stops. Subordinate paths create opportunities for circular routes of varying lengths and structure the lawn areas. Wide hedge blocks serve as filters to the Wattenscheider Straße. The tree population was thinned out, the valuable green potential can develop again in a species-typical manner. Open and shaded areas alternate, the bunker again lives up to its role as a solitaire on the square.

Climbing and resting
Directly north of the bunker, a partial area was paved as a square area. A plateau at seating height serves as a resting place, skating opportunity and stage. The northern bunker wall is used as a climbing wall by the Alpine Club. Taking up the theme of climbing, a play axis was created along the west-east connection through the park, offering climbing opportunities for the little ones. The axis is crossed by small squares with seating and resting possibilities.

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Planning offices

The planner group

Ulrike Beuter, Thomas Dietrich

Project period
2008 - 2010

4.300 qm

Stadt Bochum

Wattenscheider Straße/ Jütenstraße/ Wendenstraße
44793 Bochum

Show project location on map

Project type
Parks and green spaces
Squares, promenades, pedestrian areas
Playgrounds, e.g. at childcare centers and schools
Public participation / moderation