State secondary school Taufkirchen Open space, playground and school sports facilities

Realschule Taufkirchen © 2015 mgk

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Spiel-und Sportfläche © 2015 mgk

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Aufenthaltsfläche mit Bepflanzung © 2015 mgk

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Spiel-und Sportfläche © 2015 mgk

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Realschule Taufkirchen © 2015 mgk

Spiel-und Sportfläche © 2015 mgk

Aufenthaltsfläche mit Bepflanzung © 2015 mgk

Spiel-und Sportfläche © 2015 mgk

A new replacement building is being constructed for the existing Walter-Klingenbeck-Realschule in Taufkirchen, which will accommodate 800 students or 32 classes in the future. The outdoor facilities with an extensive outdoor sports program will be located on the areas of the existing school that will become available after demolition. The planning contract also includes the development of various development options and the legal safeguarding of the planning within the framework of a development plan procedure.

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Planning offices


Project period
2010 - 2014

14.600 qm

Zweckverband Staatliche Realschule Taufkirchen

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Project type
Open spaces for business and public facilities