Landscape plan for the municipality of Mildstedt Renaturalisation of the Mühlenau

Blick © M. Maeurer Buero OLAF

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Landschaftsplan Gemeinde Mildstedt, Ausschnitt © M. Maeurer Buero OLAF

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Lageplan Naturerlebnisraum © Maeurer Buero OLAF

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Blick © M. Maeurer Buero OLAF

Landschaftsplan Gemeinde Mildstedt, Ausschnitt © M. Maeurer Buero OLAF

Lageplan Naturerlebnisraum © Maeurer Buero OLAF

At the higher planning level, an area along the Mühlenau river could be designated in the landscape plan for the municipality of Mildstedt as an area for measures for the protection, maintenance and development of nature and landscape. The implementation of the nature experience area Mildstedter Tannen and the renaturation of the Mühlenau is the result on this area.

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