Max Planck Institute for Plant Breeding Research Cologne Realisation competition 1st prize Work phases 2-8 HOAI § 15

Entwurf © WM

1 / 5

Böschung © 2012 WM

2 / 5

Weg, abgesenkter Hof © 2012 WM

3 / 5

Böschung © 2012 WM

4 / 5

Detail Inseln © WM

5 / 5

Entwurf © WM

Böschung © 2012 WM

Weg, abgesenkter Hof © 2012 WM

Böschung © 2012 WM

Detail Inseln © WM

As part of the new construction of two institute buildings, the adjacent communication and access areas as well as an embanked courtyard were built. On the heterogeneous site, a calm design with intensive maintenance was sought that evokes memories of landscapes of the Lower Rhine terraces. The sparse design results in a better readability of the new and existing structures, important axes are accentuated and kept free. Due to the location in the water protection area, roof water is channelled into trough infiltration systems.

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Planning offices

Claudia Weber-Molenaar Landschaftsarchitektin

Further planners involved
Klein & Sänger Architekten

Project period
2005 - 2012

0,7 ha


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Project type
Open spaces for business and public facilities