Urban development concept for the town of Mittenheim

Strukturtypenkarte © 2017 GNJ PSU

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Ehemaliges Franziskanerkloster Mittenheim © 2017 GNJ PSU

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Fischweiher mit Blick nach Südwesten © 2017 GNJ PSU

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Südseite Klostergelände © 2017 GNJ PSU

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Zonen unterschiedlicher Sensibilität © 2017 GNJ PSU

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Landschaftsökologische Bewertung © 2017 GNJ PSU

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Strukturtypenkarte © 2017 GNJ PSU

Ehemaliges Franziskanerkloster Mittenheim © 2017 GNJ PSU

Fischweiher mit Blick nach Südwesten © 2017 GNJ PSU

Südseite Klostergelände © 2017 GNJ PSU

Zonen unterschiedlicher Sensibilität © 2017 GNJ PSU

Landschaftsökologische Bewertung © 2017 GNJ PSU

Status analysis of nature and landscape as well as landscape ecological assessment

The Katholischer Männerfürsorgeverein München e.V. (KMFV) is planning to create additional residential use and jobs for part of its land in and around Mittenheim, a district of the municipality of Oberschleißheim, as well as to provide social infrastructure, utilities, cultural and leisure facilities.

In the first stage of the project, a master plan for future development was drawn up for a 20-hectare area in the immediate vicinity of the former Franciscan monastery. The approach integrated various specialist plans and enabled the participation of relevant interest groups. Special emphasis was placed on the consideration of nature and landscape.

For the areas of nature and landscape, the following steps were taken by PSU to take stock and as a basis for urban land use and open space planning:
- Analysis of protected goods
- Mapping of structures and types of use
- Aggregation of complexes of areas from the point of view of the landscape and ecology

The evaluation of the actual state of the protected goods soil, water, climate/air, species/habitats, landscape, cultural assets, humans/housing and recreation was carried out on the one hand on the basis of the results and development goals of the landscape development concept of the Munich region (LEK). On the other hand, existing protected areas and other significant areas were identified.

The mapping of the structure and use types was based on the categories of the biotope value list for the application of the Bavarian Compensation Ordinance.

Based on the results of the analysis of protected goods and the mapping, area complexes were classified landscape ecologically according to their value for ecology, recreation and landscape and according to their cultural-historical value. In accordance with this classification, particularly high-quality areas are to be excluded from construction measures and protected as far as possible.

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Planning offices

Prof. Schaller UmweltConsult GmbH

Project period
2016 - 2017

20 ha

Katholischer Männerfürsorgeverein München e.V.

