New ELMEN Village Throats (LU)

© Viola Epler

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© Viola Epler

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© Viola Epler

© Viola Epler

© Viola Epler

Due to the strong population growth in Luxenbourg, relief settlements are planned for the capital. The architecture and urban planning office DEWEY MULLER architectes urbanistes, Luxembourg/Cologne, together with LILL SPARLA landscape architects, Cologne, has developed the urban planning/open space planning and landscape planning concept of the "nouveau village Elmen". Here, a residential quarter for 2,000 people will be created, including the necessary infrastructure, oriented towards the vision of a largely car-free settlement.

At the beginning, a site ecology study was prepared, which defines the areas that can be built on and the areas to be reserved for future open spaces.
In addition, a special emphasis was placed on enabling and developing social use and control in the open spaces. Appropriation of the open spaces is encouraged by their "legibility" and recognition of recognized structures as well as spatial features.

Surface water is drained in a sophisticated system of open and closed channels, as well as temporarily stored in retention basins and a variety of open water features and discharged in a delayed manner to Lätze Brook.

North-south and east-west oriented pathways also serve to aerate the new development. Due to the clayey soil, the planned 313 specimen trees will be placed in specially prepared planting pits.

The overall project will be implemented in three phases. For the first phase, with 750 residential units, the groundbreaking ceremony, the Premier coup de pelle, was held on Sept. 27, 2018.

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Planning offices

L I L L + S P A R L A Landscape Architects

Project period
2014 - 2022 (LP1-4, tlw. 5-

Société Nationale des Habitations à Bon Marché S.A.

