SAGA Head Office / Museum of Labour / Osterbekufer

© Nikolaus Gurr GHP Landschaftsarchitekten

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Lageplan © GHP Landschaftsarchitekten

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© Nikolaus Gurr GHP Landschaftsarchitekten

© Nikolaus Gurr GHP Landschaftsarchitekten

© Nikolaus Gurr GHP Landschaftsarchitekten

© Nikolaus Gurr GHP Landschaftsarchitekten

© Nikolaus Gurr GHP Landschaftsarchitekten

© Nikolaus Gurr GHP Landschaftsarchitekten

© Nikolaus Gurr GHP Landschaftsarchitekten

Lageplan © GHP Landschaftsarchitekten

The outdoor facilities around the new building of the headquarters of SAGA / GWG are characterized by the openness and clarity.

The footpaths are made of gray large slabs, which are embedded in a black basalt paving frame. Parking areas will be in plain grey large pavers. Vegetation will be highlighted for representativeness. Daffodils and tulips provide color accents early in the spring. Ornamental apples complement this image with their early white blossoms and yellow autumn colours. White, ground-covering roses bloom over the entire vegetation period.

The red-leaved maple avenue marks the public path along the Osterbek canal.

The borders to the neighboring areas - Museum of Labor and the park on the banks of the Osterbek - are shaped in such a way that house-related facilities and the surrounding area form an integrative whole.

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Planning offices

GHP Landschaftsarchitekten

Other planning stakeholders
Architekten: nps tchoban voss (SAGA)

Project period
1992 - 2008

SAGA-GWG / HSE Stadtentwässerung Hamburg



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Project type
Open spaces for business and public facilities
Squares, promenades, pedestrian areas
Traffic facilities