Gasse | Schumacher | Schramm Landscape Architects Partnergesellschaft mbB

© 2016 Gasse | Schumacher | Schramm Landschaftsarchitekten GSS-Paderborn

Gasse | Schumacher | Schramm

Landschaftsarchitekten Partnerschaftsgesellschaft

 Bremen | Paderborn

Contact information

Tel. (0421)  3 46 64 59
Fax (0421)  3 46 67 67

As landscape architects, urban planners and engineers, we create open spaces for people, open spaces for leisure, open spaces for play and sport.
Due to our many years of experience in the development of concepts, the detailed planning and realisation of outdoor spaces, we have a multi-faceted foundation that gives us a basis and security in everyday practice and encourages us to always come up with contemporary, forward-looking and unusual solutions.

Partners & Network

ANSSP Architekten NAEVE SCHROFF SCHÄFER Partnerschaft

BPW baumgart+partner

IBB Ingenieurbüro Brankowitz

Schulze Pampus Architekten BDA