Fortress Park Fort Asterstein Koblenz Koblenz

Festungspark Fort Asterstein, Koblenz, Blick zum Reduit © 2020 Marc Leppin Franz Reschke Landschaftsarchitektur GmbH

Festungspark Fort Asterstein, Koblenz, Blick zum Reduit © 2020 Marc Leppin Franz Reschke Landschaftsarchitektur GmbH

The fortifications of the Koblenz Grand Fortress, including their open spaces, are part of the UNESCO World Heritage Site. With a targeted open space design, the perceptibility of the monuments should be increased and their potential for the public space of the city should be used. The surroundings of Fort Asterstein are also of great importance on the district level. The guiding principle is not the reconstruction of the historical figure, but the interaction of the layers of time in a sustainable and robust fortress park. This is determined by the exposure of the historic reduit in the park and a loose setting by a birch grid on the former moats. Narrow paths, shaped into the topography, open up the park and link it to the surrounding area.

In the first construction phase, the barrier-free path between the obelisk and the Reduit was created. The visual references to the Ehrenbreitstein Fortress and Fort Konstantin were freed from the dense tree population. Further construction phases were planned as part of an overall concept and are to be implemented step by step until 2029.

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Planning offices

Franz Reschke Landscape Architecture GmbH

Janina Gäckler, Ninon Weber-Wittenberg, Jan Ole Rolfes, Martin Tochtrop (Bauleitung für FRL)

Further planners involved
Planung Wegeleit- und Besucherinformationssystem
Studio Sophie Jahnke
Sophie Jahnke

Project period
2017 - 2019

28.000 qm

Construction amount
925.000 €

Stadt Koblenz

Kolonnenweg 11
56077 Koblenz