Ecological improvement at Lake Mauren in Ehningen-Mauren

Umgestalteter Maurener See © 2022 Geitz & Partner GbR

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Das notwendige Ablassen des Sees wurde von einer aufwendigen Fischbergeaktion begleitet. © 2017 Geitz & Partner GbR

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abgelassener See - Entschlammung © 2019 Geitz & Partner GbR

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Regulierungsbauwerk zum Steuern des Wasserspiegels und zum Ablassen des Sees © 2019 Geitz & Partner GbR

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Anlage von flachen Uferbermen im abgelassenen Zustand © 2019 Geitz & Partner GbR

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Die Uferbermen sind nach der Befüllung fast vollständig unter Wasser. © 2019 Geitz & Partner GbR

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Erhalt des alten Baumbestandes und Entwicklung von offenen, besonnten Flachufern © 2022 Geitz & Partner GbR

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Krebssperre 2 im Bachlauf © 2020 Geitz & Partner GbR

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Krebssperre 1 an bestehendem Rohrdurchlass © 2020 Geitz & Partner GbR

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Umgestalteter Bachabschnitt mit Hartsubstrat- und Totholzstrukturen © 2019 Geitz & Partner GbR

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Umgestalteter Maurener See © 2022 Geitz & Partner GbR

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Umgestalteter Maurener See © 2022 Geitz & Partner GbR

Das notwendige Ablassen des Sees wurde von einer aufwendigen Fischbergeaktion begleitet. © 2017 Geitz & Partner GbR

abgelassener See - Entschlammung © 2019 Geitz & Partner GbR

Regulierungsbauwerk zum Steuern des Wasserspiegels und zum Ablassen des Sees © 2019 Geitz & Partner GbR

Anlage von flachen Uferbermen im abgelassenen Zustand © 2019 Geitz & Partner GbR

Die Uferbermen sind nach der Befüllung fast vollständig unter Wasser. © 2019 Geitz & Partner GbR

Erhalt des alten Baumbestandes und Entwicklung von offenen, besonnten Flachufern © 2022 Geitz & Partner GbR

Krebssperre 2 im Bachlauf © 2020 Geitz & Partner GbR

Krebssperre 1 an bestehendem Rohrdurchlass © 2020 Geitz & Partner GbR

Umgestalteter Bachabschnitt mit Hartsubstrat- und Totholzstrukturen © 2019 Geitz & Partner GbR

Umgestalteter Maurener See © 2022 Geitz & Partner GbR

The artificially created Maurener See in Ehningen-Mauren is fed by two small streams, one of which flows into the Würm. This is home to a small population of stone crayfish, which is potentially threatened by the crayfish plague (occurrence of the camber crayfish) found in the Würm. The lake exhibited severe deficits in water quality (highly eutrophic plankton stage with severe water turbidity) due to silt deposits, heavy shading and the lack of macrophyte vegetation. The chemical analyses of the lake revealed very critical oxygen conditions in the course of the year, which gave rise to fears of the lake tipping over. This nutrient pollution also had a negative impact on the aquatic life of the stream below the lake.

The aim of the restoration and redesign measures was firstly to improve the water quality of the lake and thus its aquatic ecological properties; secondly, the stone crayfish population in the neighboring stream was to be protected from the introduction of crayfish plague and the habitat quality for the population was to be improved and thus sustainably supported. As part of the measure, the lake was completely drained and desilted, the banks were thinned out and shallow berms were created in future sunny sections of the banks, on which tall herbaceous, reed and macrophyte vegetation was initiated by planting. In addition, new regulating structures were installed to release stream water into the lake and to control the lake water level and the release of water from the lake to the Würm (overflow). These now allow flexible control adapted to the season and requirements (e.g. for future maintenance measures).

Two crayfish barriers were installed in the course of the stream according to the double barrier principle, which are intended to prevent the immigration of the camber crayfish. In addition, the structurally poor lower course of the stream was upgraded by means of slight bends in the course, the installation of crayfish shelters with flat stones (sandstone) and deadwood elements as a habitat primarily for the stone crayfish; however, other aquatic organisms also benefit from the redesign. All construction measures were carried out in compliance with special hygiene measures to protect the stone crayfish.

The importance of the lake as a popular local recreation destination was taken into account by creating a limited access area and by setting up information boards for visitors along the path alongside the lake and stream.

A comprehensive maintenance and development concept was drawn up to ensure the targeted development of the lake and stream.

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Planning offices

Geitz & Partner GbR

Holger Kappich
Simone Krieger

Other planning stakeholders
Dr. Berhold Kappus, Fischereibiologe

Project period
2017 - 2021

Bach: 700 m, See: ca. 1,2 ha

Construction amount
ca. 310.000,- €

Landratsamt Böblingen
Amt für Landwirtschaft und Naturschutz


71139 Ehningen-Mauren

Show project location on map

Project type
Biotope network and species protection concepts
Watercourse development, flood protection