KiTa St. Michaelis Bremen

Bepflanzung © 2013 Jan Meier GSS Landschaftsarchitekten

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Holzpalisaden © 2013 Jan Meier GSS Landschaftsarchitekten

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Innenhof © 2013 Jan Meier GSS Landschaftsarchitekten

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Innehof © 2013 Jan Meier GSS Landschaftsarchitekten

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Wasserspiel © 2013 Jan Meier GSS Landschaftsarchitekten

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Bepflanzung © 2013 Jan Meier GSS Landschaftsarchitekten

Holzpalisaden © 2013 Jan Meier GSS Landschaftsarchitekten

Innenhof © 2013 Jan Meier GSS Landschaftsarchitekten

Innehof © 2013 Jan Meier GSS Landschaftsarchitekten

Wasserspiel © 2013 Jan Meier GSS Landschaftsarchitekten

Due to the expansion of the daycare center around a new building, a restructuring of the outdoor facilities took place. The new building is surrounded by different terrain heights and divides the facility into three different spaces: entrance area, protected playground (U3), extensive play area. In addition to a sand play area with a water feature, natural stone and wooden elements were used for the design in order to offer the children a wide range of play activities.

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Information on external websites

Gasse | Schumacher | Schramm I KiTa St. Michaelis

Webseite der St. Michaelis Gemeinde

Planning offices

Gasse | Schumacher | Schramm
Bremen | Paderborn

Project period

920 m²

Bremische Evang. Kirche

Doventorsdeich 2
28195 Bremen

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