Moderation process Lindenplatz Bielefeld

Ergebnisse © GSS GSS Landschaftsarchitekten

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Analyse © GSS GSS Landschaftsarchitekten

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Kommunikative Runde © GSS GSS Landschaftsarchitekten

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Ergebnisse © GSS GSS Landschaftsarchitekten

Analyse © GSS GSS Landschaftsarchitekten

Kommunikative Runde © GSS GSS Landschaftsarchitekten

The Lindenplatz is located in the middle of the "Am Lehmstich" housing estate and is the only public square there with a central open space function for the neighbourhood. In response to the divided opinions in the neighbourhood, citizen participation was intended to clarify whether there could be a development perspective. In an open-ended dialogue, it was discussed whether a redesign of the square is desirable and sensible.

Lindenplatz square is located in the middle of the "Am Lehmstich" housing estate and is the only public square there with a central open space function for the neighbourhood. With its outdated equipment, the square cannot meet this requirement, neither qualitatively nor quantitatively. The Lindenplatz is to be upgraded by the city as a central play and green space and as an urban neighbourhood square for all age groups. In response to the divided opinions in the neighbourhood, a citizens' participation was to provide clarity as to whether there could be a development perspective. In two public events, preliminary drafts prepared by Umweltbetriebe Bielefeld were discussed in an open-ended dialogue. After an impulse lecture including an opening plenary session, central theses and questions were discussed in working groups at a third event. As a result, it became clear that the majority of citizens wanted a redesign, but that certain areas of the square, such as play areas for children of different age groups and a green design, should be retained and upgraded. The inclusion of the adjacent traffic areas in the planning was also defined as an important point. Ultimately, due to the desire for participation on the part of the citizens, a "Lindenplatz Project Group" was formed, which was further involved in the context of further planning. The conversion was completed in the summer of 2015.

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Planning offices

Gasse | Schumacher | Schramm
Bremen | Paderborn

Project period
2014 - 2014

3.700 m²

Stadt Bielefeld

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